When a certain someone mentioned we should enter the British Beauty Awards we were in the middle of the first lockdown and motivation was at an all time low! However, having always wanting to strive the be the best we can and of course to become an ‘award winning salon’ ……we absolutely knew it was worth a shot!!!
Jump forward a few months, a whole load of evidence and written testimonials submitted, the salon was back open, we were super busy and it had almost been forgotten, until we got told our application had been shortlisted.
Of course, the most exciting prospect was the chance to get super glammed up to attend the usually very glitzy awards ceremony but sadly Covid put the kybosh on that so had to content ourselves with a glass of fizz, in our PJ’s and eagerly watch our laptops for the big reveal instead.
Of course, needless to say we were utterly thrilled to have won a Bronze place in our category!!
It was and still is a huge privilege to win praise from our industry colleagues in recognition for the time, effort and passion that the whole team put into their work every day.
None of it is possible without the support of our amazing team of Lofty Ladies, our families, our friends and of course you lot ……our fabulous loyal lovely clients, our biggest fans! We hope to go on one day and add more certificates on the wall ……after all Cinderella still needs to go to the Ball!!